Sloppy in Singapore by Nur Hazimah
Singapore is becoming into a nation of sloppy dressers as most Singaporeans do not make effort to dress appropriately. People are still seen strutting down town in slippers, slacks, and old school T-shirts. While I agree that this may be because Singapore is hot and humid all year, it would not be a burden to dress ourselves up, depending on our destinations. It is acceptable to wear as such when we’re going nowhere far, for instance, within our neighbourhood. However, to places such as town or the city, where most foreigners come to, I strongly feel that we should at least wear covered shoes, and appropriate clothings. We as an individual represent Singaporeans, so how these foreigners view us is how they view the whole lot of us, and we would not want them to have a perspective that Singaporeans are sloppy dressers. This applies to attending special occasions like wedding too as it is a form of respect for the host.However, not all Singaporeans do not take pride in their dressing. The increasing fashion influences from countries such as Japan and Korea has made many Singaporeans followers of the latest trends. Being presentable does not necessarily mean long sleeves tops and long pants. Sleeveless attire is definitely acceptable for Singapore’s tropical weather as long as they look smart. It’s not what they wear, it’s how they wear.
After all, our appearance affects our personality and how others view us.
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