Are Singaporean youths politically apathetic? by Nur Hazimah

Singapore youths are not politically apathetic. In fact, many of my friends are aware of what is going on during The General Election 2011 period which was once a big topic in Singapore. The General Election 2011 was significant to me as this was the first time I actually understood how the election works. Many of my friends attended the GE rallies, and seeing them actively following updates of the GE 2011 motivates me to find out more about the big commotion. Some of my friends even blogged about their dissatisfaction of the elections results. Furthermore, the youngest candidate from the opposition party, Nicole Seah, caught a lot of attention from the youths as we were very interested to hear her speaking up for Singapore youths.

GE would definitely affect those under the voting age, in fact, everyone in Singapore. GE lets citizens place their trust in their chosen party’s capabilities. The decisions made by the winning party would in one way or another, affect those who are still schooling. I do not think that the voting age should be lowered. At 18, youths may not have reached the level of maturity where they can make rational decisions which are good for the country.

The GE 2011 did have an impact on me. I realized that I need to be more aware of political issues in Singapore, as in years to come, it would be my turn to have a say in this issue. In order to raise political awareness in young people, I would suggest making use of social-networking sites such as Facebook and creating a group page where youths can interact and share their opinions. More of youth portal sites such as that was mentioned could also bring political awareness as youths are tech-savvy.

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