"New Media Manners" by Amad

It is true that the advanced technology leads to having bad manners. It is hard to find a person without a phone nowadays. Phones now are not only used for texting or calling, but even social networking. Of course, there is nothing wrong with them. It is just a matter of when you use it.
The “new media manners” have resulted in people being more interactive through electronic communications. Many have developed the habit of frequently texting and updating their status on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter to the extent that they do so inappropriately. Nowadays, we can easily find people texting and updating their status in classes, meetings, weddings and other places which are not suitable. Doing as such shows a lot of disrespect.
Other than lack of respect, the “ new media manners” cause people to lack sincerity in conveying messages to other people. For example, saying ‘Thank you”. It is obviously more sincere to say “Thank you” face to face.
Lastly, frequent updates on your life online gives people a look inside your private life. I personally do not feel comfortable giving a minute-to-minute update on my life. I do not understand how people can post online about the minor things they do like eating and watching television. I also think it is senseless to frequently update people on your life.

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