Eldora’s comment on “Cleanliness on the decline” by Blandina
I strongly agree with your comment. There in an increasing number of Singaporeans paying less attention to our country’s cleanliness and more are showing the “it’s the cleaner’s job” kind-of-attitude towards litter on the ground or even, in our hands. The most concrete and upsetting evidence of such littering habits would be the scene after the National Day Parade. There will be lots of litter lying everywhere such as on the seats, on the ground, on stage and even in the toilets. People would just leave hurriedly to catch their last means of transport back home and would not bother about what they left behind. I feel that it is disgraceful that Singaporeans gave our nation this kind of “presents”.
Are we going to start another similar courtesy campaign named “litter-free”? I hope not. There are so many rubbish bins around Singapore so why do we not throw our litters properly? Japan has lesser rubbish bins, much bigger land and in fact also cleaner than Singapore. I think we no longer deserve to be called a clean and green country. To earn back our rightful title, I think that rubbish bins could be designed more attractively to get attention from passer-bys and also more litter. We could also have more comic posters such as those for toilets to be placed at appropriate places. Have more promotions of interesting litter-free advertisements and educate Singaporeans starting from the younger generation. Hopefully we can salvage our reputation and remind Singaporeans the responsibility to keep our country clean.
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