“Singaporeans under Attack” By Liew Wei Qi
“Singaporeans are the most disgusting and irritating nationality” is the result of a poll created by a China national. I do not agree with this statement. Some Singaporeans are disgusting and irritating but that does not mean all. Being “Kiasu” is an aspect of Singaporeans that many foreigners find it disgusting and irritating. Singaporeans tend to fear losing out. For example squeezing into a crowded train, getting freebies from a special event or even getting a bigger portion than one can consume during a buffet.
Singaporeans are not only filled with flaws. Singaporeans are kind and friendly. The recent incident of a Thai teen that fell onto the MRT tracks touched many Singaporeans, who donated a large sum of more than four hundred thousand dollars to the teen. If Singaporeans are not kind-hearted, no donation would be given to the poor Thai teen. And if you are lost and approached any Singaporean for directions, Singaporeans are always friendly and will listen to your questions instead of ignoring you and walking away. Be it Singaporeans or China nationals, I feel that we should accept each other’s flaws as who we are as a person.
I don’t feel that all Singaporeans deserve to experience such treatment and accusations. “When in Rome, do what the Romans do”, China nationals should learn and adapt to our traditions and cultures. I do not expect them to do exactly what Singaporeans do when they are in Singapore, but I expect them to accept and respect Singaporeans’ way of life. A more harmonious relationship between the two countries will be achieved if China nationals and Singaporeans can accept each other’s flaws.
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