Eldora’s comment on “New York Legalises Same-sex Marriage” by Amad
I agree that homosexuality is surfacing but that doesn’t mean that others in the society approve of it. Same-sex marriage cleared the Senates by only a few votes. This shows that people’s thoughts are wavering. This can mean that they are trying to accept gay marriage or giving gay-marriage a test in their country. Some cities in the USA have adopted the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) but they have not really legalised same-sex marriages. At the moment, even Mr Obama supports civil union instead of same-sex marriage. I think others disagreed with homosexuality because of various reasons such as homosexuality is against the human nature and that some find homosexuals close contact with each other in public places disturbing.
I think that celebrities have to come clean about them being gay before the paparazzi did, so that their reputation would not be greatly affected. I think that they are not really good examples of inspiration because they are just trying to prevent themselves from being marked out.
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